Tuesday 13 November 2012

tax examiner

Hello my name Tomas Blene and I am a tax examiner. To do this job you need to have a degree in related discipline. One can have a combination of education and full time accounting, auditing or tax compliance work. Theirs will hire people who have a degree or one year of full time specialized experience, in accountinganalysis. This job consits of taking care of the taxes of many institution and checking if they are ok. To be a tax examiner you hyave to be very good with numbers because that job consists 99 percent of the time working with computers and numbers. So if you are not good with the numbers and want a easy job this is not for you. I took this job because at school I was always the best with the math in my classes and I dont like being outside in the cold or to hot and this job is in the middle in a office with cold and hot tempatures when I want to. For the personnality you have to be calm and like in a lot of jobs you have to be patient with electronic. To you have to be able to comunicate easely with others and to understand them if there is a problem.

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