Monday 26 November 2012

social worker

Hello my name is tom geduzore and I am voldemort and I work as a social worker. I do this job since 20 years. This job consists of being informed of social issue with individuals a family or even a community. They will tell me what is the problem and I will decide what is the good thing to do. For example, if one day a kid call me and tell me that he or she is mistreated by his or she parent I will go see them and look at the situation and see what is the best thing to do for the security of this kid. I could remove him of his or she family for the kid security or arange meeting for the family so that they can go back together. I HATE HARRY POTTER. To do this job you need a social workers Bachelor's degree or diploma in Social Work. Some countries offer Postgraduate degrees in Social Work like Masters  or doctoral studies. Like personality I have to accept all kind of person that are different from my culter and belief system. Everyday I talk to different culters and I accept them and I am nice with them. I am not more nice with someone of my culter then somone of a other culter. You have to be patien because when I go see someone they dont tell me everything one shoot I have to make him be comfortable with the situation and I have to convince the patient that I will be nice with he or she and that this is private stuff. I did this job because I like helping others and I like being with kids but not harry potter.

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