Monday 17 December 2012

bus driver

Hello dear blogger's. My name is Roger Roberty and I have a fantastic job. I am a bus driver and I really like to do this job. Today it will now have been 47 years that I am doing this job. I am close to retiering. This job is not a hard job at all the only thing that you have to do is to drive people to the good destination. I am a bus driver for elementary school and this is fun but hard to. It is hard because since it is children they scream a lot, they throw stuff and they do all the things that usually distract a driver. So on each day of work I have to be mentally prepared because while I drive I can not distracted and risk getting a accident. Because during the time that they are in my bus I am in charge of there security. So this are the skills that you mostly need to be a bus driver. To be a bus driver you need to have a Manitoba class 2 drivers license to operate a school bus,  school bus operator certificate and a first aid certificate high school diploma and your high school diploma. I decided to do this job because I really like driving trucks and I like to be with children. To do this job you need to be almost always in a good humour because I drive children to school so I will talk with kids so I have to say polite and to be funny with them. So in all it is a pretty fun job.

Thursday 13 December 2012


Hello my name is Ryan Queen and I am a zoologist. I do this job since now 5 years and it is very fun. It all depends of your attitude. If you like a lot of action and a extreme environment this is not a job for you. This job is usually in a peaceful environment. This job consists of finding information on a animal and then they go out to try and find when. When they find one they find one they will observe it and they will write notes about it and later when they will have many information gathered, they sometimes work in group so that they can gather information faster. So after all information gathered they will write a book about it and sometimes some little movies about the x sort of animal to show us more truly how it is and how it acts to different situations. But lets say that one day they go out to find a bird and they find the one they need but it is injured, they will take it to there laboratory and they will try to save it and help it to go back and nature and during this time they will take notes about it. To do this job you need to be calm and patient because it will not be in the first 5 min of your trip that you will find what animal you are looking for. It can take up to many hours to days before seeing one. So this is not a job for hyperactive people. To do this job you need a Bachelors degree for most entry-level jobs, master and PhD for most research and teaching. But after all this you will see that this is a pretty fun job.

Monday 10 December 2012

wedding planner

Hello, my name is Tomas frets and I am a wedding planner. It has now been about 12 years that I am doing this job. This job mainly consists of planning a perfect wedding for my clients. I say a perfect wedding because it is very important because first it is very expensive but the main reason why it needs to be perfect is that it will be there best day in there life that they will never want to forget so it needs to be a perfect  souvenir. So my job consists of helping the couple that wants to Mary to plan there marriage. I will reserve the place if it needs to, I will buy the food and all the things that they need to decorate the wedding. But before all those steps I have to sit down with my clients and talk about all the things they that they want and then we will talk about the total price and after this we can start organising the wedding. To do this job you dont need any special training. But there is some important skills that you need to have like to be open to many different kind of people and differnt language. You need to be able to give some good choise to your clients expectations. To you need to you have to be able to gain knowledge after each wedding organized because you will learn and you will be able to improve each wedding.

Friday 7 December 2012

design engineer

Hello, my name is Robert Munch. I am a design engineer. It has now been 30 years that I am doing this job.  Design engineer is the creation of systems, devices, and processes useful to, and sought by society. The process by which these goals are achieved is engineering design. My job consists of designing machines or some objects. Not objects like toys no, machines like microwaves furnaces and many other things. To I can design some buildings and some public stuff like sidewalks and parks.
To do this job you have to be kinda come in drawing and you have to know that your drawings will not be always perfect on the first try of drawing it. So it may takes many hours to draw a simple sidewalk because on the construction field they have to understand my drawing on the first look because if they dont understand they will build it wrong and they will have to restart and it will be expensive. And I will be responsible for it and if I mise my reputation will go down and less people will want me to design stuff. But even that it is a fun job. To you can design stuff on the computer. I do this job because I like designing stuff and seeing what I made after it is finished.

Monday 3 December 2012

fire fighter

Hello bloggers, today I wanted to tell you what I do in my life. The job I do is a fire fighter. My job conssits of stoping the fires, save the people and do all of this with many security measures. First we have some special clothes that prevant us to burn. Than we have a air bottle that gives us air so that we can breath in the smoke and so we will be able to do are work. There is many other safty measurement but I find that nthose two are the most important once. To do this job you need to not be scare of fire and you need to be able to tolarate heat because in this job you will be in extream heat and you will sweat a lot. I need to be strong to because when I am in a burning house I have to move big pieces of anything and sometimes I have to bring people out of a house. In all I am doing this job since 6 years and I really like it.
Firefighter positions are open to graduates and diplomates in all subjects, but a degree or formal further education qualifications are not essential and entry without a degree . Personal qualities and physical attributes are more important than academic qualifications, though a good general education is required  equivalent passes in english, maths and a science subject are particularly useful. I took this job because I like saving lifes and to ride in a fire truck.

Thursday 29 November 2012

game developer

Hello my name is Gabriel Friset and I am a game developer and I really like this job. Since I really like video games I am very good at it. And I have been doing this job for 50 years and now I am retired since 2 years. This job consists of create some sofward developer and with those I can create some video games. To do some I go see the concil owner and I talk to him about my project of creatind a new video game for there concil. If they approve they will give me money to do it and I will do it. A video game can take many years to do. The industries thyat does video games are Benox, ubisoft and many others. There is 3 party of video game video: the first party developer they usely have bid industries and many famous game publisher. Secondly there is the second party developer, they are consle manufactures they are under the first party, they usely have factories and they win less money. Finnaly there is the third party developer, they do the small games like game for children movies like flashmiquine, the monsters and etc. the requierments are a  "technical and community colleges offer Associates degrees in computer programming with an emphasis in game development. Four-year institutions like Carnegie Mellon University's Software Engineering Institute teach students math, computer science and other skills needed in game programming. Programming students who have completed high-level computer science courses can test their skills as IT interns with local businesses and game developers like Sandlot Games"
To do this job you have to be able to look mat a screen for a long time with out having a haed ack and to be able to control your moud because usely you will be tired and grumpy so you have to have some good night of sleep.

Monday 26 November 2012

social worker

Hello my name is tom geduzore and I am voldemort and I work as a social worker. I do this job since 20 years. This job consists of being informed of social issue with individuals a family or even a community. They will tell me what is the problem and I will decide what is the good thing to do. For example, if one day a kid call me and tell me that he or she is mistreated by his or she parent I will go see them and look at the situation and see what is the best thing to do for the security of this kid. I could remove him of his or she family for the kid security or arange meeting for the family so that they can go back together. I HATE HARRY POTTER. To do this job you need a social workers Bachelor's degree or diploma in Social Work. Some countries offer Postgraduate degrees in Social Work like Masters  or doctoral studies. Like personality I have to accept all kind of person that are different from my culter and belief system. Everyday I talk to different culters and I accept them and I am nice with them. I am not more nice with someone of my culter then somone of a other culter. You have to be patien because when I go see someone they dont tell me everything one shoot I have to make him be comfortable with the situation and I have to convince the patient that I will be nice with he or she and that this is private stuff. I did this job because I like helping others and I like being with kids but not harry potter.