Monday 3 December 2012

fire fighter

Hello bloggers, today I wanted to tell you what I do in my life. The job I do is a fire fighter. My job conssits of stoping the fires, save the people and do all of this with many security measures. First we have some special clothes that prevant us to burn. Than we have a air bottle that gives us air so that we can breath in the smoke and so we will be able to do are work. There is many other safty measurement but I find that nthose two are the most important once. To do this job you need to not be scare of fire and you need to be able to tolarate heat because in this job you will be in extream heat and you will sweat a lot. I need to be strong to because when I am in a burning house I have to move big pieces of anything and sometimes I have to bring people out of a house. In all I am doing this job since 6 years and I really like it.
Firefighter positions are open to graduates and diplomates in all subjects, but a degree or formal further education qualifications are not essential and entry without a degree . Personal qualities and physical attributes are more important than academic qualifications, though a good general education is required  equivalent passes in english, maths and a science subject are particularly useful. I took this job because I like saving lifes and to ride in a fire truck.

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