Friday 7 December 2012

design engineer

Hello, my name is Robert Munch. I am a design engineer. It has now been 30 years that I am doing this job.  Design engineer is the creation of systems, devices, and processes useful to, and sought by society. The process by which these goals are achieved is engineering design. My job consists of designing machines or some objects. Not objects like toys no, machines like microwaves furnaces and many other things. To I can design some buildings and some public stuff like sidewalks and parks.
To do this job you have to be kinda come in drawing and you have to know that your drawings will not be always perfect on the first try of drawing it. So it may takes many hours to draw a simple sidewalk because on the construction field they have to understand my drawing on the first look because if they dont understand they will build it wrong and they will have to restart and it will be expensive. And I will be responsible for it and if I mise my reputation will go down and less people will want me to design stuff. But even that it is a fun job. To you can design stuff on the computer. I do this job because I like designing stuff and seeing what I made after it is finished.

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